Mahō Shōjo
Mahō Shōjo

Robot ID | 1316 |
Robot name | Mahō Shōjo |
Robot kana | |
Robot eng | Mahō Shōjo |
Team name | Majutsu—shi |
Team kana | |
Team eng | Majutsu—shi |
Weight | 1.5 kg |
Height | 41 cm |
Country | Chile |
Representers of the Pontificial University Catholicacl of Valparaiso , Maho Shojo she participated of the first tournament in Chile and won the third place, now she seeks for new challenges and new adventures.
Name | Num | Description |
In May of 1693 , the witches of the Salem were executed by treason and witchcraft ,thus giving them a horrible death, now they have reincarnated as a robot and seeks the knowledge of the new witchcrafting that today it's know as "robotics".