Entry list


26thROBO-ONE Light March 3 2024  
Location:Atsugi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Number of entries:108

26thROBO-ONE Light 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
1129 SYUITIGOUKAI CST 35cm 1.2kg
1528 Egilem Kindai University Robotics Club 35cm 1.165kg
984 KYOROSUKE Jackie 35cm 1.2kg
1026 DAITI3GOU KURURIN 35cm 1.2kg
1465 Altair_Lily QUHP_G 35cm 1.37kg
1593 ARUKUKUN2GOU roboticslowcost 35.5cm 1.2kg
236 reverse nova Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 36cm 1.19kg
548 Nix Fukuokakoudairobotproject 36cm 1kg
1479 Fighting ogigi nizigakurobobu yato 36.5cm 1.196kg
886 Napple QUHP 37cm 1.46kg
238 SATUKIITIGOUGI Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 37.2cm 1.19kg
1447 JOHOKU5 Hamamatsu Johoku THS Computer Dep 37.4cm 1.60kg
1578 Lemonade
Nijigasaki HighSchool Robotics Club shiruku 37.8cm 0.9kg
1482 Windine Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 38cm 1.08kg
1600 upRight Nijigasaki HighSchool Robotics Club Yu-Chan 38.4cm 1.176kg
1486 kugou ku1 38.5cm 1.18kg
1274 KHR Galaxy kaneyan 39cm 1.7kg
1471 purokeritasu Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 39.2cm 1.19kg
Kyushu Institute of Technology musen club 395cm 1.2kg
1607 Eglantyne MARUMARU 40cm 1.2kg
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