Entry list


MISUMI presents 42nd ROBO-ONE September 23 2023 ~ September 24 2023  
Location:Kanagawa Prefectural Youth Center
Number of entries:96

MISUMI presents 42nd ROBO-ONE 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
1454 tannsuiyoku one ten 40cm 1.5kg
1456 Automo kunai holypong 55cm 3.9kg
1473 probaltemo shibaurakougyoudaigakusrdc 43cm 3.7kg
1483 neziotikun
funny tail 39.5cm 1.8kg
Rogiken ACT 45cm 2.2kg
1542 Csu2 csu5 401cm 1.5kg
1543 RRRRR Taiwan must win 40.1cm 1.5kg
1544 Galaxy five
kaneyan 58cm 3.8kg
1546 SB BEAR Taiwan NO.2 50cm 3.3kg
1547 JokeMaker JokeMaker 48cm 3.01kg
1549 IGNITE ZERO team V 52cm 4kg
1550 HurtMaker HurtMaker 45cm 3.5kg
1551 rai
OSU 30cm 1kg
1552 black bee Black bee 45cm 2.5kg
1553 KUROKO the Society for Acceleration 500cm 4.0kg
1554 Gantry Keisuke 45cm 2.9kg
1555 Laelaps LK8 401.05cm 1500kg
1556 Tuppare-itijou Daido daigaku robottokenkyubu B 37cm 2.8kg
1557 kurosu-fether kurosu 42cm 1.9kg
1558 Kihar
nikko robot 41.8cm 1.5kg
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