Entry list


24th ROBO-ONE Light March 5 2022  
Location:Zoom / Twitch ROBO-ONE channel
Number of entries:48

24th ROBO-ONE Light 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
904 Helios Tsuno 30cm 1.2kg
1418 femuto Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP 30cm 1.199kg
1384 Juukioh Hiroshima Institute of Technology Hit-Robotics 28.7cm 1.00kg
642 GATTENDER-Jr sima 27.5cm 1.5kg
114 KOBIS BISKO cm kg
1392 RedStriker Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP cm kg
53 Katu QUHP cm 0.85kg
1173 Ton
QUHP cm 1.2kg
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