Entry list


24th ROBO-ONE Light March 5 2022  
Location:Zoom / Twitch ROBO-ONE channel
Number of entries:48

24th ROBO-ONE Light 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
1173 Ton
QUHP cm 1.2kg
1226 Gale OSU 32cm 0.99kg
1227 taitan OSU 32.2cm 0.97kg
1239 KHR-3HV Ver.KIT Kyushu Institute of Technology musen club 401.05cm 1.5kg
1260 KUREYONNSYUUTYANN Daichi with robot land 35cm 1.2kg
41cm 1.7kg
1339 IKADUCHI COVE FAMILY 40.1cm 1.7kg
1342 GYUJIROU mcf 40.1cm 1.6kg
1350 Kim Geun Hyeong Light RobotPlay 40cm 1.5kg
1384 Juukioh Hiroshima Institute of Technology Hit-Robotics 28.7cm 1.00kg
1388 JOHOKU2
JOHOKU2 37.4cm 1.60kg
1389 JOHOKU3 JOHOKU3 37.4cm 1.60kg
1392 RedStriker Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP cm kg
1411 42cm 1.7kg
1418 femuto Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP 30cm 1.199kg
1421 JOHOKU6 Hamamatsu Johoku THS Computer Dep 37.4cm 1.60kg
1422 JOHOKU4
Hamamatsu Johoku THS Computer Dep 37.4cm 1.60kg
1423 Number 32 Robot Park 40cm 2kg
1425 Parashurama clarkkomatu 41cm 1.7kg
1426 amaresu Osakakougyougijyutusennmonngakkou 34.3cm 1.27kg
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