Entry list


MISUMI Presents 37th ROBO-ONE September 21 2020  
Location:Zoom / Twitch ROBO-ONE channel
Number of entries:57

MISUMI Presents 37th ROBO-ONE 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
1038 Zwei
zwei 50cm 2.7kg
369 Neutrino-Giallo Hida-Kamioka HighSchool Robotics Club 46cm 2.7kg
1165 God`s help Dragon Warrior 40cm 2.5kg
488 yukikaze simuka 46cm 2.5kg
999 KingNeeBoMan sasaki 40cm 2.3kg
996 owl DragonWarrior 40cm 2kg
1262 Mr. Meli-chun
Masters-chun 41cm 1.8kg
1309 ROBO-TAN TEAM-YU 41cm 1.7kg
1316 Mahō Shōjo
Majutsu—shi 41cm 1.5kg
1303 Thorbot
Valhalla 401.05cm 1.5kg
1317 Bug Factory Errors 401cm 1.5kg
243 Bluethunder NAKAMU 33cm 1.17kg
1270 breath
Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP 30cm 1kg
1312 Dark Robot
Gecko 401.05cm 0.15kg
115 Metallic Fighter Morinaga 50cm 0kg
1306 El Tronador
Agents of CCP cm kg
114 KOBIS BISKO cm kg
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