Entry list


MISUMI Presents 37th ROBO-ONE September 21 2020  
Location:Zoom / Twitch ROBO-ONE channel
Number of entries:57

MISUMI Presents 37th ROBO-ONE 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
1315 FIREBRAND L.L. 49cm 3kg
1114 Luminous sachito 47.9cm 2.9kg
1291 Robo WenHuaRobot 47cm 3kg
10 Chrome-kid Kupakuma 47cm 3kg
9 Garoo KUMAMA 47cm 3kg
659 ARU KUS TEAM HAKUTO 47cm 2.95kg
369 Neutrino-Giallo Hida-Kamioka HighSchool Robotics Club 46cm 2.7kg
1289 Blue hiroshimakougyoudaigaku HIT-Robotics 46cm 3kg
488 yukikaze simuka 46cm 2.5kg
1292 Cyrus Beetle Terminator 45cm 2.8kg
1295 Philosopher Dragon Warrior 45cm 3kg
1266 NEXUS hiroshimakougyoudaigaku Hit-Robotics 44cm 2.98kg
1262 Mr. Meli-chun
Masters-chun 41cm 1.8kg
841 SASAPERORIN Graduate of Chiba Institute of Technology sasaki 41cm 2.99kg
1316 Mahō Shōjo
Majutsu—shi 41cm 1.5kg
1309 ROBO-TAN TEAM-YU 41cm 1.7kg
1312 Dark Robot
Gecko 401.05cm 0.15kg
1303 Thorbot
Valhalla 401.05cm 1.5kg
1317 Bug Factory Errors 401cm 1.5kg
724 Typerion CIT SKK OB Minakawa 40cm 2.999kg
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