Entry list


MISUMI presents 20th ROBO-ONE Light February 8 2020  
Location:Miraikan Miraikan Hall, 7th Floor Watching free (Admission to the permanent exhibition is subject to additional fee.)
Number of entries:99

MISUMI presents 20th ROBO-ONE Light 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
No image First generation Kanizo CIT SKK Minakawa cm kg
9 Garoo KUMAMA 47cm 3kg
10 Chrome-kid Kupakuma 47cm 3kg
75 nagamasa Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 45cm 1.9kg
77 IKARI Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 40cm 0.99kg
115 Metallic Fighter Morinaga 50cm 0kg
128 Simple Fighter light
zeno 30cm 0.99kg
236 supernova Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 36cm 1.19kg
237 zyunkun Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 45cm 1.99kg
238 SATUKIITIGOUGI Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 37.2cm 1.19kg
257 Slender Kyushu Sangyo Univ. Robot-Koubou 40cm 1.5kg
260 Mont Blanc Kyushu Sangyo Univ. Robot-Koubou 40cm 1.5kg
261 Midaler Kyushu Sangyo Univ. Robot-Koubou 40cm 1.5kg
307 Innocent
kobe kagi OB 30cm 0.9kg
628 410cm 1.8kg
642 GATTENDER-Jr sima 27.5cm 1.5kg
662 sumi TokyoDenkiUniversityHumanoidResearchClubOB 33.5cm 1.19kg
769 22G3 muramatsu 40cm 0.98kg
785 Thunder Volt SIT S-Tech 38cm 1.5kg
797 CanopusGX QUHP 40cm 0.99kg
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