Entry list


MISUMI Presents 19th ROBO-ONE Light September 28 2019  
Location:Kanagawa Prefecture Youth Center
Number of entries:90

MISUMI Presents 19th ROBO-ONE Light 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
1129 SYUITIGOU CST 35cm 1.2kg
963 superraiankid teamrobotyuenchi raian 33cm 1.19kg
236 koryukisin・nova Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 36cm 1.19kg
238 SATUKIITIGOUGI Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 37.2cm 1.19kg
891 tamesi ATJRobot 29.5cm 1.1kg
1030 Falcon‐Ⅰ NANSYUN High School Robot Club 29.5cm 1.1kg
803 pengyou Kyushu University Humanoid Project 40cm 1.1kg
911 Yatagarasu Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP 35.0cm 1.00kg
540 HardLuck_LC
Osaka Electro-Communication University OB Seki 36.2cm 1.00kg
887 James kobeshiritukagakugizyutukoukou OB 35cm 1.0kg
1128 Mitsuki Mitsuki_project 43.5cm 1.0kg
1002 Boboby-X Boboby-X 34cm 1kg
1179 clown daidodaigaku robot kenkyuubu cm 1kg
1116 Polaris FukuokakoudaiOB Satake cm 1kg
548 Nix Fukuokakoudairobotproject 36cm 1kg
872 dekusu OSU 35cm 1kg
1145 Za-sya Daidodaigakurobottokenkyubu19A 30cm 1kg
1073 Andrew Tokyo Tech SSR ACT 30cm 1kg
1146 Clematis Daidodaigakurobottokennkyubu19LB 33cm 1kg
782 Sturm Yeager mechanical engineering studies club of Osaka Institute of Technology 30.5cm 0.999kg
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