Entry list


MISUMI Presents 19th ROBO-ONE Light September 28 2019  
Location:Kanagawa Prefecture Youth Center
Number of entries:90

MISUMI Presents 19th ROBO-ONE Light 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
1211 k-zero ロボットユウエンチk-zero 42cm 1.6kg
1203 apôtre soukouken 40cm 0.9kg
1201 HAKUNA NEWBIE 40cm 1.5kg
1197 gomarobo KIBIDANGO 40cm 1.5kg
1196 Mono UEC_RMF_HRU 35cm 0.99kg
1193 Knox NEWBIE 40cm 1.5kg
1186 anzai TDU humaken 42cm 0.99kg
1185 Mark-two Osaka Institute of Technology mechanical engineering research club 42cm 0.99kg
1184 onepo.jr Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology-OB 30cm 1.5kg
1183 printemps Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology-OB 40cm 1.5kg
1181 Unknown 8-2 Industry 30cm 1.2kg
1180 Bluebell kobe kagi OB 30cm 0.9kg
1179 clown daidodaigaku robot kenkyuubu cm 1kg
1173 papico Kyushu University Humanoid Project cm 1.2kg
1172 kanaorobo CASTEM 40cm 1.6kg
1171 trapezoid daido daigaku robotto kenkyubu 18A 32cm 0.95kg
1170 templefightertight Kyushu University Humanoid Project 50cm 3.5kg
1169 relive Denkitsusindaigakurobomekakoubou 30cm 0.7kg
1168 hash Shigenaga 33cm 1.2kg
1167 galmia Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology-OB 30cm 0.9kg
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