Entry list


MISUMI Presents 33rd ROBO-ONE September 23 2018  
Location:Kanagawa Prefecture Youth Center/ Watching free
Number of entries:132

MISUMI Presents 33rd ROBO-ONE 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
980 gengetu RRST kaz 53.0cm 3.0kg
1010 ebiron Ritsumeikan University Robot Research Society of Technology 48.0cm 3.0kg
29 LEGHORN NAKAYAN 56cm 3.0kg
855 Aldebaran osu 48cm 3.0kg
129 Speranza Tateno 48cm 3kg
971 nbanza daido daigaku robot kenkyuubu nbanza seisakuhan 50cm 3kg
901 Nazca Chiba institute of technology Cultural association Society for overall engineering studies 50cm 3kg
772 Eudyptes Moryu 50cm 3kg
485 megaponyo Kyushu University Humanoid Project 46cm 3kg
584 Lupus Fukuokakoudairobotproject 50cm 3kg
71 Gerifalte Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 40cm 3kg
9 Garoo KUMAMA 47cm 3kg
296 Defiant
STROB 50cm 3kg
1019 takemikazuti chiba institute of technology cultural assosiation general engneering study group cm 3kg
357 Limit Fukuokakoudairobotproject 47cm 3kg
1025 513.17cm 2893kg
724 Typerion Chiba Institute of Technology Cultural Association General Engineering Study Group minakawa 40cm 2.999kg
74 TriHyze Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 44.4cm 2.99kg
127 Simple Fighter old zeno 55cm 2.99kg
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