Entry list


MISUMI Presents 29th ROBO-ONE September 25 2016  
Location:Kanagawa Prefecture Youth Center
Number of entries:146

MISUMI Presents 29th ROBO-ONE 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
616 No image Choi Jaehoon GAON 41cm 1.9kg
521 Sanpo tus radio1 36cm 1.9kg
565 No image DIM
45cm 1.8kg
277 Spirit 48cm 1.8kg
503 TEKTEKPYOPYO-NKYUI---N! 401cm 1.8kg
154 okabot zero 40cm 1.7kg
47cm 1.6kg
471 billynyan・kid 43cm 1.5kg
131 Riyuki2 40cm 1.5kg
564 bone・smoker daidoudaigakurobottokennkyuubu sss 30cm 1kg
552 Kozue-san Sprada 40cm 0.98kg
120 XEMNES 30cm 0.98kg
115 Metallic Fighter 50cm 0kg
581 No image prawn ritsumeikandaigakuRRST A cm kg
cm kg
580 No image sloth ritsumeikandaigakuRRST B cm kg
597 The robot name is Hiratsuka Secondary School Science Club cm kg
538 PHENOM-ob Kobe-Kagaku-gijutsu-HS-OB cm kg
No image wakasagi paradiso cm kg
No image Minawa Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP cm kg
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