Light Ranking

Robots are ranked after tournaments held by the Biped Robot Association are completed. Points are tabulated for ROBO-ONE preliminaries and finals for the past three years. Points and the relative weight given to tournaments in each of the past three years are as stated in How Points are Assigned (however, this started in fiscal 2014, so data for fiscal 2013 and prior is not used).


The following apply to robots ranked in the top 3 of each division when participating in the next tournament. 1. Participation fees for the tournament are waived.
2. May participate in the finals tournament regardless of preliminary round results in tournaments with preliminaries.
3. We will give consideration to the tournament at tournament without qualifying..

Total entries: 242
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Image Rank Point Name Team
Rank 78 17 pt 021 Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP
Rank 78 17 pt Demonizer Kindai University Robotics Club
Rank 84 16 pt SilverFlag kagikoOB
Rank 85 15 pt Thunder Volt SIT S-Tech
Rank 85 15 pt Stark Shibaura Institute of Technology SRDC
Rank 85 15 pt Barbatos ritumeikanndaigakurobottogizyutukennkyuukairrst
Rank 85 15 pt Beef kindai university robot research group
Rank 85 15 pt Ekusutori-muZero SHUDOU
Rank 85 15 pt hibiscus gardener suzuki
Rank 85 15 pt Alex MASAKI
Rank 85 15 pt Arumaziro 2nd CLARK NEXT Tokyo
Rank 85 15 pt Zyunzyunmaru KAGIKOU-OB
Rank 85 15 pt scopion shibaurakougyoudaigakusrdc
Rank 95 13 pt clarent Osaka Electro-Communication University Jiyu-KoboHRP
Rank 95 13 pt iguchiitchigou The University of Electro-Communications team gadget
Rank 97 12 pt kurogane Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology
Rank 98 11 pt Asahimaru Kohuyu ken
Rank 98 11 pt Rara TANUKI
Rank 98 11 pt Fukukomon no Robot Hida-Kamioka HighSchool Robotics Club
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Unranked robots are not displayed. They can be displayed using Search.